When it comes to personal growth, most people don’t know how they get in their own way.

I’ll help you figure out your biggest blocks to success so that you can reach your goals with balance and ease.


Do you have a big, hairy, audacious idea, but tripping up on how to start your journey as an entrepreneur? Are you a leader or manager with a team, product/service, and clients, but you’re still not getting the results that you want? Are you eager to reach the next level in your professional career, but feel like something is getting in the way? I help you get to the root cause of what’s getting you stuck and guide you on how to harness the tools you need to stay productive, relevant, and thrive.

I’m here to help you find your MOXY

[moxy]: adjective. force of character, determination, or nerve.

Sometimes, we are OK with just getting by. We need the job, we need the experience, we need the $$ – so we put ourselves on cruise control. That can’t last forever. If we keep this up, we end up overwhelmed, burned out, and unable to enjoy the life and career of purpose that we always envisioned for ourselves.

Whether that means reaching the top of the corporate ladder, flying solo, or creating a kickass business of our own, we can’t let “life” get in the way of our dreams. If you work with me, we will figure out what’s holding you back, and – like a Jedi master teaches her padwan – I’ll train you on how you can harness the courage – the moxy –  to achieve your goals and reach your next phase of growth.


I’ve been where you are. It took me years to get to a place where I show up in life authentically AND build a career where I feel fulfilled, make a real difference in people’s lives, and am financially stable. And I graduated from Harvard, y’all. I don’t want other people to waste as much time as I did in getting it together: learning how to avoid burnout, how to advocate for myself, and in the words of Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code, how to be “brave, not perfect.” If I can design a life that works for me, you can too. If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or sick and tired of doing the same thing and expecting different results, sign up for a session to find out how I can support you in your growth and reaching your goals.

I like building things from the ground up, and creating the strategies that help high-performing professionals to achieve their goals with balance and ease. Most of the time, that involves trying to figure out how to build a plane while flying it. Part co-pilot, part wingwoman, I help you get clear on your goals and true desires, the biggest blocks that are getting in your way, and work with you to create a roadmap that will help you achieve your goals and design the life you want. I am a frustrated cheerleader – I never tried out for the squad when I was in high school – but I love being a cheerleader for causes I believe in.


Does what I’m saying resonate with you? Are you ready to commit 100% to create the life you want? Click on the Contact page below to schedule a complimentary clarity call with me, and we’ll talk about how I can support you to rock your goals.


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